Saturday, 26 January 2013

Meal out and Diy!

I had Friday of school! But, it wasn't for snow. Anyway I went out for a meal on Thursday, I wore my new jeans and had a really good time, it was for my sister as this evening we are taking her back up to Cardiff where she goes to university and it was sort of a leaving meal.I also had to sort out my wardrobe and had some spare shirts so (as you do) made some bracelets out of them so I will show you how to make them!Oh and now I am a belieber, I have been for a little while now, and I have made this promise I will be forever so yeah..

1. Get an old top.
2. Cut into strips of about 4cm width and 30 cm long.
3.  Make three of these.
4. Pull on them.
5. knot them together.
6. Plait/braid down and leave about 3cm at the bottom.
7. knot the end.
8. knot them together on your wrist!

Do you like the way I made it?! I used Pizap.

Outfit for meal out:


P.s Get your thinking caps on, next post i will be asking for questions and hopefully I if get enough i'll make a video answering your questions!!

Wednesday, 23 January 2013

Omg!! Good and bad!

So today I had the worst day ever because I had a massive fight with my best mate. So on the way home with my other best mate, I bought two massive bars of chocolate and ate them on the way home to cheer myself and my friend who fractured her elbow on Monday.I came home to find a hot cookie waiting for me and a package. I ate the cookie first. I opened it up to find an JIMMY CHOO BAG!!!! I have never been so happy in my life!

Sunday, 20 January 2013

Grr.. school tomorrow.

Snow.. has nearly all gone. I will probably be like eighteen when I next see some snow! It was good while it lasted. I went out today and finally got a few essentials I have needed forever. I made a snow women with my dad today in the garden, school is open tomorrow I guess because all the snow has been cleared. I mean why don't these people want more time of?! I have enough homework as it is.Enough with the moaning here's some pictures to cheer you guys up! Have you got snow where you are? Would love to hear from you!

Okay, these shoes are definitely not great it's my third pair this school year! But they are  cute!

I haven't had skinny jeans in ages but i decided let's just get some, these are perfect and comfy!

Vest top for pyjama top! 

Me and miss snow women!!

Enjoy the snow if you have some where you are.. *Jealous*


Friday, 18 January 2013


Guys, where I live usually has the worst every weather.Like everyday it rains and its not hot in the summer. So you can imagine when I woke up and saw a little bit of snow I was screaming.. and when I found out school was closed, you could probably hear me scream from where you live! I took some pictures when I took the dog out.. Enjoy!


Time for a hot choccie, stay safe and enjoy the snow while it lasts! Brr!!


Thursday, 10 January 2013

Eek! But Yay, friday!

Sorry I haven't uploaded pictures in a while, been loaded with quite a lot of schoolwork.I will upload a nice big juicy blog post when I come back from school; I have the worst day ever today:


Sigh. . .

Wish Me Luck!

Saturday, 5 January 2013


Hola! last night I was so ill, I thought I was going to have to go to hospital as I had the worst ear ache you could ever imagine! So I thought shopping was off today, but I felt OK this morning, so I got dressed and went! For ever I have been wanting to get a bag but I've been ill and all this stuff but I got the perfect bag! I am really annoyed, it wont let me upload pictures!! I am so sorry! I got some shoes, a cute hand warmer, and the bag!! I will upload when it lets me! Tut Tut!


Tuesday, 1 January 2013

Happy New Year!

I had a pyjama day yesterday and did nothing because I felt really ill, so I didn't go out. I think I'm going to get dressed today and maybe go out with some friends, the D.I.Y I am posting today is called Chalkboard bottles and I found this D.I.Y here. I tried it myself and turned out great so I will post some pictures!

Chalkboard bottles

You will need
  • Bottles, can be beer or j2o type.
  • Chalkboard spray ~ Can be found here!
  • Newspaper
  • Chalks. 

1. Soak the bottles in warm water to make the labels peel of easier.
2. Let them dry for about 15mins.
3. Take the bottle preferably in a outside area,lay the newspaper down and place the bottle on top.
4. Spray the bottle in a light coat and according to the instructions on your bottle, leave until not thoroughly dry but finger touch dry. Now do another coat and leave for 24 hours.
5. Now write you messages and experiment!
