Back to school.
This post is my attempt to make going back to school that little bit easier, first of all its an excuse to buy cute stationary and get your parents to pay for it because it "Helps your education". Yeah that works.
A list of stationary that you may need, mostly because i will forget what i need myself..
- Pens
- Pencils
- Ruler, 15 and 30cm
- Maths set (protractor, compass, triangular whatsitcalled haha)
- Coloured pencils/pens
- Pencil case to keep it neat
- Scissors
- Erasers
- Rubbers
- Calculator
- Highlighters
- Sharpeners
You may need more than what i have put, or less but there we go! You're also gonna need a backpack, its best to get a half decent one as you want it to last but it is JUST for school so don't spend to much!
A list of basic health/beauty essentials..
- Lip balm - I like Nivea Hydro Care
- Roll on deodorant - My school wont allow aerosols, i use Nivea Pearl and Beauty
- Baby wipes - Mini pack so its not to heavy.
- Umbrella- especially for those british days
- Spare hair bobbles/grips
- Spare socks for gym.
Also the night before you return i would recommend a chilled evening, with face packs (My favorite are these!), a bubble bath, and plan your outfit and set your alarm clock for the next day!
Good Luck if you're going to a new school or just returning to an old school, im going into year 9, i think that's 8th grade? I'm 13 turning 14 x