Sunday, 15 December 2013


For those of you that have been following this blog for a while you will already know that i LOVE Christmas - A lot! So to get in the festive mood,i'm going to be doing a Christmas tag which i found through Chloes Way! OK i'm just going to go for it now!

1.  Do you prefer a real Christmas tree or synthetic?
Without a doubt a real Christmas tree - the smell is just so good. Our real tree looks like this:
We always buy one which doesn't drop needles so i don't have to hoover the needles up everyday which is a plus!

2.  You're in a coffee shop, it's December, what do you pick?
Recently i went into Costa and bough a hot spiced apple (drink) and i have been hooked ever since. literally i cant stop. it gets you right into the Christmas mood whenever you drink it and the smell is just heavenly.Even the smell reminds you of Christmas, i took a picture when i went with my friend yesterday (mines the closest to you) and Kerry had a white hot chocolate which smelt pretty damn good! Please, for me ,when you next go into Costa, buy an Hot spiced apple and try it! i think its like marmite , you 
                                                                                    either love it or you hate it! Yum, i loove it!

3.  Whats your favourite colour scheme for decorating the tree?
This is a toughie, we swap and change each year to keep things fresh but i think mine is silver and white like a Santa grotto - but i still love our traditional Christmas tree! Our hall is a santas grotto themed so ill let it go this time;) Our hall looks amazing! Maybe i could do a post on how to make a house christmassy?  hmm...! I took a picture of our hall and it turned out pretty good!:)

Picture from Here I can take it down if its yours, just contact me!

4.  Giving or receiving?
I havent really thought about this one, probably giving. This is because i love seeing peoples faces when i personally spent so much time choosing them. This is great because being only 12, i haven't really personally gone out and bought many presents, its mostly been my mum buying my dads present and putting my name on it ect.. So i think in my teenage years i really want to make the most of it. And look how beautiful these wrapped gifts are! aw~

Picture from

5.  To mince pie or not to?
Yes, to mince pie. My nanas are the best because they are home made! Mmn. Anyway in catering class Wednesday, i'm making Mince meat muffins. To me they sound disgusting but you know, you never actually know. The could be actually pretty good like a minces pie in a muffin. I dont know. The world is full of suprises. Haha.

6.  What's your traditional Sunday lunch?
Well, we go for traditional, Yorkshire puddings (Yum! My favourite), Turkey, potatoes, stuffing and veggies! Mum always does the table up really posh which makes a change! Haha. This is a picture from last year! As you can see, posh glasses ( I dont know how mum trusts me with these), gold plates, names place cards and napkins. Bit different from the usual, get your own glass and ketchup stains over the table! 

                                                                                      7.  Christmas day fashion
Normally something we got as a present. We're really relaxed until it comes to Christmas dinner where we all at least have to put a nice shirt on , even if its with pj bottoms on because you cant see the pj bottoms on underneath the table! Strange traditions we got there paha! Bearing in mind this picture was taken a year ago and my fashion sense has changed a lot in a year!

8.  What's your favourite Christmas song?
Mines pretty predictable of course but mines mistletoe by Justin Bieber. I just love him so much and the lyrics to this song are just so meaningful! Its full of christmassy words and what better two things - Christmas and Justin?!

9.  What's your favourite Christmas film?
Oh there is to many to chose from. But probably the Polar express, everything is just so Christmassy and its just amazing, i also quite enjoy Naughty or nice, which is quite nice but yeah The polar express! You should go watch it, A link to a copy can be found HERE!

10.  Open presents before or after lunch?
LOLL is this a trick question or something? I literally don't think i could handle waiting more than 10 minutes from the minute i wake up to opening my presents. Strange people.. *tut tut*


You haven't had a picture of me in ages here is one! I have changed since last year aha

Have a lovely week! Its the last week of school before we break up Yay!


Tuesday, 8 October 2013

Favourite things about autumn!

Ok, its now autumn and currently raining in England. I'm so excited for autumn, also know as fall in other places which is a much better name because fall is like the falling of the leaves and it makes much more sense, so i like fall better * and breathe*.i am currently sat on my laptop with a hot cup of milk, i am now going to call it fall:) so i thought i would do my favourite things about 'fall' in this post, ok, here goes, enjoy!

Knitted Jumpers
Yes, i absolutely love these  and my wardrobe is full of them, they're comfy and awesome! its nippy in the autumn but not to cold so these are perfect when you just want to slip something on, they look great with leggings and under short dungarees for the on trend look!

Hot chocolate
I am really into hot chocolates at the moment. Imagine this:your sat in bed, with a jumper on and you have a nice mug of hot chocolate with marsh mellows and whipped cream. Yes, that what i do every night muaha. I recently found these : Chocablok! You mix them with hot milk and there's a spoon attached and and and, yeah! They turn into a hot chocolate:) and yes, I'm now sat here with a chokablok hot chocolate, so yes, you should be jealous

The weather
Autumn is my favourite month, its something about the leaves and crisp days that makes me feel good, also because you mostly wear leggings and tights, you don't have to shave as much woo! Taking crisp autumn walks with Pickles, my dog, is amazing, a breath of fresh air is always good!

Yes, this one is so predictable, i am very excited about Halloween! Last year i went to a Halloween party and it was awesome, so i would like to be invited to another one, so if i know any of you readers, please do invite me to yours hint hint shona:) I don't actually know if i really want to get dressed up on the day, i would rather save that for the night, and i saw New looks Halloween range and have decided to invest in one of the tops, im sorry im in love with the glow in the dark ghosts one, they're just to cute!

The drinks
Costa and Starbucks have brought in their Autumn collection, ( Click here for Costa's range and here for Starbuck's) and i'm getting excited! So your walking through the shopping village in your big thick coat and your knitted scarf, you walk into starbucks and purchase their PUMPKIN SPICE LATTE, you cant get more autumny, (yes i just made a word up) than that. Costa's autumn drink range has got CHOCOLATE AND ORANGE MOCHA LATTE and TOFFEE NUT CARAMELLA. And yes, i felt the need to put there names in capitals.

Cosy 'stuff'
Yes, who needs boyfriends when you have duvets and woolly hats? You can now put on your onesie (in my case a giraffe) , jump like a ninja into your bed and not get to hot at the same time! Need i say more.

Bonfire night
Good old guyfawks night, i love the fireworks , and don't forget the sprinklers, i try every year to get some good shots on my camera but it never happens! If your family decide to not do fireworks, just look out your window in your duvet and i bet you will see millions of fireworks in the comfort of your own duvet!

One of the best things in Autumn is the food: slow cooked stews,roasted chestnuts, home made soups and toffee apples: my mouth tingles just thinking about it! Me and my sister are attempting to make toffee apples this year, although my nan usually does the best ones ever before the carnival, more about that next, so we may have to resort back to nans recipe first, if you would like to try making some, click here to see a recipe i found (i'm getting good with the hyperlinks) be sure to send me a picture and show me how yours turned out!

It's a tradition of mine to go along to a carnival down in the village nearby, and enjoy the floats going along, their used to be a huge firework display and bonfire but that's all been stopped because of health and safety regulations, what's the world coming to? *sigh* but its still good and ROASTED CHESTNUTS are the best thing EVER i am telling you now. So i advise you see if you have a carnival near you, and you should go and get involved with the food!

And last but not least, conker hunting! What's better than getting a conker of the tree stamping on it and gaining the feeling of accomplishment when you reach the acorn inside! I've always wanted to play the game ' conkers' but never have for some reason, it's always been on my mental bucket list and i want to do it so badly this year, so im going to!

Comment your Favourite things abut Autumn!

Cute Autumn Related Websites:

*note to self: buy some autumn scented yankee candles*

Bye! xox

Wednesday, 28 August 2013

I saw this tag on one of my favourite blogs of all time called Chloe's way, i thought that i may as well give it a go so here goes!

Why did you start blogging and how long have you been blogging for?
I started blogging back in 2012, i started my blog which was then called fashionality, i started my blog because most of my friends in school aren't really interested in makeup and beauty as me , and at that time i was really into Tavi Gevinsons blog: The Style Rookie!, so i decided i would try out this 'blogging' lark, and im so glad i did. I wish i could say i never looked back but I'm quite clumsy so i did drop a couple of things on the way which i had to go back and pick up.

Whose blog did you fall in love with first?
I fell in love with Tavi's blog, the style rookie, particular her older post, i think that this was because she was the same age as me when she started blogging, and look at where she is now, she's editor of her own online magazine with a yearbook out and can go to every fashion show under the sun and yet still she is so down to earth ! She's my role model and i had an english exam where we had to right a biography so i had to do some research and i chose tavi for that, i got good marks as well whoop whoop! I wrote a little more about her here!

What was the first blogosphere hyped about product that you bought? Was it worth the hype?
Ooo, this ones tough, i think it was about bright red bold lipstick, i went out and bought the Kate moss one which can be found here , and  put it on ready for a video and yeah, it looked hideous,  I was so exited to have a red lipstick, but i think its because my skins so pale, blame England and genetics and stuff, it look as if i was a vampire, so that went to my sister. 

What are you five favourite things about blogging and being a Beauty Blogger?
1: the hopefully obvious one: Blogging, i love this as i fill up any spare time i have and im putting it to good use, for other people to read and hopefully get inspiration to blog, thats what blogging all about.
2: Telling everyone, hah, i love telling everyone i have a blog, and they get really impressed aha:)
3:The comments, I absolutely love your comments, they make me happy:)
4: I love reading your blogs! I always spend time reading your guys posts
5: I like looking back and improving from my old posts!

What have you learnt from being a Beauty Blogger? 
I have learnt a lot! One of the things is, instead of writing for an audience, write what you want to read, then you'll enjoy writing more and your readers will benefit, there reading your posts,not who you want to write about!

Have you changed anything since becoming a Beauty Blogger? 
Yeah, two things have changed, one of them being my photography skills and the camera, which used to be my poor ipad camera picture, but i now have a Samsung camera,which is great quality *note to self : find out camera i have* , and also me. I have changed a lot since i started, not to improve my self but to be more me,i used to blog and try to be someone else, but im now me, i think i have also changed physically like my face and height, i would do a then and now picture but im in my pj's with my hair in a messy bun, so maybe next time! 

What advice would you give to a beauty blogger just starting out? 
Wow, this is tough, i don't usually give advice, im usually on the receiving end, but i think it's the fact you dont need anything to be a beauty blogger, no flashy camera, no setup lights or flashy clothes. Also just have a go, be yourself and dont copy others, write your own stuff! Just have fun writing it, dont worry if you haven't got a million followers on your first post, it takes time!

What are your top 5 makeup brands?
MUA- this is my favourite ever! There products are so so good and at a reasonable price, i love all of there stuff, especially there eyeshadow palettes!
Natrual Collection - these are great for basics, and very good price, everything under £1.99 i think!
Beauty Uk- Great for bright vibrant products, this brands mascara is the only mascara i will ever buy.
Maybelline- Their babylips products are the best. Go get some here
Boujois Paris- not exactly cheap but great quality, a little of any of there products goes a long way!

Recommend your top 5 beauty products.. *
5: Natural collection concealer  - Great product, cheap and is a god send! I really can't imagine life with out it, great colour,blends in well!
4: Smash box foundation, cant find it on the website.. where has it gone? - Anyway, very pricey foundation but im telling you now, a little goes a long way, perfect colour blends in well, all the good qualities which you expect for in a foundation that price: around £27. But not many foundations are this light so i struggle to find a cheaper alternative so this is number 4 in my top 5!
3: Beauty uk's mascara - I have a little story to tell, basically i got given one this product as part of a beauty pack as a freebie, and i immediately fell in love with it, its perfect, it doesn't give you clumpy lashes or its not to dark, but then it ran out! Bummer, so then i went to my local super drug store they didn't have it anymore, which is a bum so I bought this one, but it made my eyes to clumpy and the wand was to big, but i didn't want to waste it so what i don't is used the old wand which i had for my last mascara and put t in this one, its so much better, but when i run out i will try and get hold of my old one. That probably wont make sense but it did in my head haha
2:Miss sporty eyeliner - This is the best eyeliner i have ever had, its a great applicator, although they have altered it so now its more thick but still great, and ridiculously cheap, it stays on all day so is good for on the go, can't fault this amazing product!
1:  Maybelline Baby lips! If you have read my last couple of blog posts, you would have seen me rave about this item! I often watch YouTube videos about this product but for ages its only been available in the states, which is an absolute BUM! But i saw these in boots and i bought the pink punch one, and have used it every day since, it gives a lovely pink tint to your lips while hydrating them at the same time. Yes i will be investing in every single one of this collection when i have the money!

*I will be doing reviews on all these products in later posts!

Ok see you guys later!

Your fellow spiriter Megan

Tuesday, 6 August 2013


Well, finally my Super drug order came! Well it came yesterday, we released that the parcel force, didn't deliver Saturday and Sunday and that's why it came Monday! Well, they could of told me, so this is a post of what i got! Using my Samsung camera , i think i can get good shots in my garden actually!

Baby Lips Lip Tint
Finally, this products available in England! I have watched so many YouTube videos which have included this product and saying how good this collection of tinted lip balms are, and when i was dong my order, i saw these and i can't explain my happiness. I've really wanted to buy these but i didn't want to pay the cost of delivery from America so i just had to sit tight and wait. These are really cheap, and moisturise your lips while giving them a tint of pink colour: and they smell like heaven.

Price : £2.99
Rate: 9/10
Worth the price?: YES.
Would you buy again: OBVIOUSLY.

Batiste Dry Hair Shampoo

I used this shampoo today, for the first time, seeing as i only got this product Monday, and i have fallen in love. The only dry Shampoo i have used before is the batiste mini bottles, mine was in blush. I used that mini bottle up quite quickly but haven't bothered to buy a new one. So when i came to do my order i thought, why not and bought one for £2.99. This product is great and smells of cherries, seeing as that's the flavour and it has them all over the bottle haha.. This is a great product for 2nd day hair.

Price: £2.99
Rate: 8/10
Worth the price: Bit expensive but overall yes.
Would you buy again: Yes

Eyelash curler
I have never had an eyelash curler in my life, as i believed that they were ALL to expensive ( for me £7-£8 was a bit to expensive for my liking). But when i was on this order, i looked on a youtube video of what someone bought in a super-drug haul and they bought one, and this product was quite cheap. As i had never bought an eyelash curler i wasn't completely sure on how i was supposed to do it, so i looked on a couple of YouTube videos and with the help of my sister, im getting the hang of it now!

Price: £2
Rate: 8/10
Worth the price: Yeah
Would you buy again: 100% yes

Face sponge:
i dont really have much to say about this product other than its a sponge. It's great to remove make-up.

Price: 99p
Rate: 7/10
Worth the price: I guess
Would you buy again: yeah

It's quite hard to rate a sponge actually.

Nail polish
This is thee most amazing nail polish ever. Make up academy have done it yet again and produced an amazing nail polish. his one is in the shade of pistachio ice cream and i have a story to tell about this. Basically i had been doing my order for around a week, and i had found this nail polish when i first started my order, and typically, it was out of stock. I was bummed, then i happened to search for it again seconds before i completed my order, and they had it, i was so so so happy like i was silently screaming on the inside. I  am wearing this nail polish right now, the only thing is that you have to do a couple of coats for a full coverage.

Price: £1.00
Rate: 9/10
Worth the price: YES!
Would you buy again: YES!

Mua lip trio in scarlet
This is one of those: Oh i have a few pound left to spend, oh i will get it kind of buy. But i am really happy i bought this product and is great price, like most of the Mua products are.

Price: £1.50 ( Usually £2.50)
Rate: 8/10
Worth the price: Yes.
Would you buy again: Maybe, in a different shade.

Mua eye palette in heaven and earth
This is yet again a great value product from Makeup academy, and i'm really looking forward to playing around and contouring these different shades. I have discovered a YouTube tutorial where you can find HERE. So i will have have a go and get to you on that.

Price: £4.00
Rate: 8.5/10
Worth the price?: yes
Would you buy again?: Yes

So thats all i got today guys: If you want me to do any tutorials or more- in depth reviews about any of the products just leave a comment and i'll get back to you!

Lots of love
Your fellow spiriter Megan


Friday, 2 August 2013

My Little Hints & Tricks

So every person in the beauty industry has their own hints and tricks, so i will share some of my own with you. i don't have a job so i cant earn that much money to buy loads and loads so most of these tricks help you save some money, every little helps! Lets go!

1: .Wear white eyeliner to make eyes appear less red
2: For the summer months, you don’t want to be caked in foundation so try a tinted moisturizer instead.
3: To add volume to clean or unwashed hair, use a dry shampoo spray.
4: Use a shimmer eye shadow to compliment a bold matte lip.
5:When using a cream product, lock it in by using a translucent powder over it.
6: Don't be to serious with make-up play around with it!
7: If you have chipped nail-polish, add crackle nail polish on top to disguise the look of chipping!
8: Don't spend to much money on makeup remover product, baby wipes are cheap and just as good!
9:Use Ice Cubes To Keep Fat, Acne And Wrinkles At Bay
10: De- puff your eyes with raw potatoes
11:Fragrance rises, so spritz it on your ankles or behind your knees to help your scent last longer
12:If your bored with your natural hair colour, but you're not allowed to dye it, use a eyeshadow ad apply its to the ends for a easily washed out colour!
13: Your blush and lip colour should be in the same colour family to look more natural 
14:Don't rub your concealer tap it in, rubbing causes wrinkles!
15: Play up your lips or your eyes, but never both
16:Spend money on key beauty products
17: Always try before you buy, most drugstores offer testers to try before you bye.
18:A spritz of lemonade on damp hair to give hold and texture
19: Heat up eye lash curlers before using them!
20: Put Tea bags on tired eyes

Well, that's just 20 i could think of, there's lots more where that came from! 

So today i done a big super drug order online, and im very impatient so i didnt want to wait, so i paid £5 for next day delivery so i will post another post tomorrow showing you what i got! Also as its the holidays now i dip dyed my hair this was the result:

 See you tomorrow! 


Sunday, 21 July 2013

Look and feel great for summer!

Hello, my lovelies, i thought i would give a post all about looking and feeling great for summer, just some hints and tricks, im having a little bit of trouble typing this because my s key is jammed and its really hard to press...

You will need:

  • Baking soda/ bicarbonate of soda
  • 1/2 teaspoon 
  • Water
  • Cup

1:Put a 1/2 a teaspoon of baking soda into a bowl.
2: Then half a teaspoon of water into the bowl
3: MIX!
4: Put some of the paste on to your toothbrush and brush brush brush!

Do this around once a week and don't over do this as it can damage your gums!

And there you go nice white pearls!

So everyone loves a Cheeky smoothie from Starbucks or Costa every once in a while, so why not have a go at making your own? Here is my favorite recipe!

3/4 of a banana, cut into chunks and frozen for about 20 minutes
1/2 cup fresh or frozen strawberries
250ml apple juice (or whatever liquid you would like)


To get your body looking great in that gorgeous bikini, your going to have to do some exercise; yes, i know that dreaded 8 letter word,  one of my favorite daily exercises i do is donkey kicks which i explained more about below! Also go in the garage, get that bike, wipe of the dust, get some music on and go! It's fun, good for you and you can listen to your favorite tunes' while at it!

Donkey kicks:

A video explaining how to do these can be found here, i do about 2 reps, 20 each side!

Although, i must admit that im not a fan of tap water, you do have to drink it, i preferably like to drink sparkling water but i do love bottled water, IN THIS HEAT: DrInK dRiNk DRINK!!

 If you are a bit bored
with your normal glass of water;make some shaped ice cubes, put some cute umbrellas in and a cool straw! Make water fun!

I have my eye on these straws and these

and these umbrellas

and these ice cube trays


Your face and lips will dry out so treat it nicely, here are some tips to get your face healthy, happy and  in check! And you will want to eat some rubbish, but good, foods, you're going to get more spots, so eat as healthy as you can but when you just cant resist, try a face mask!

Face mask:
A great idea, i like to use a clay mask as a bottle works out cheaper than lots of single packets! Take out all your clogged pores, apply after a shower as your pores are open apply, then use a warm flannel to cover your face and drag down!

Lip therapy:
Put lip balm, Vaseline, lip chap or lip therapy cream to make sure your lips don't dry out and split! My collection of lip products is getting bigger and bigger by the day! You could also use a lipstick with moisturizer to look great and protect your lips !


During the summer holidays, you don't want to be sat twiddling your thumbs, go and join a club!
 here are some ideas you could go to a local community centre to see what you could do!

  • Cheerleading group
  • Trampolining club
  • Sailing
  • Gym club
  • Art class
  • Dance class

Also pop to your local library to borrow some books, nothing beats sitting in the sun or on the beach reading, or pop on your smartphone, check for a book app on the app store and get reading!


Hope you have enjoyed this post, get ready and have fun for summer!




Saturday, 22 June 2013

JUNE Favorites, and a big surprise!

Hello, just going to get straight into it; Fashionality is now spirit of beauty. This may come as a shock but oh well, if you read my last post i have explained more so yeah:) I hope you guys do like my new name and i hope you stay with me, after all, it is only a name! Woo i'm so exited about it eh? So this post i'm going to post pictures of my favorite items of this month and i have made a video about it here. Lettss GO!

So the first item is my concealer from the natural collection in Boots, i love this as  it doesn't show up orange on me face and evenly covers my spots and clogged pores:)! (shade: fair)

So lately i have been having trouble with my face skin, that's sound quite strange actually... SO MY SOLUTION WAS TO BUY THIS. It's really good, i used it for a week and it helped clean some of my clogged pores, not all of them, but not after about 3 weeks a lot of my pores have been unclogged Yay, i will continue using this for a long TIME!

Bobby Pins.. i don't need to explain more.

As well as my concealer i bought this with it, its on the shade of porcelain and is really good, i don't  look like an orange, which is always good, and it doesn't make me look to fake, which is really good! 

I shall see you when i see you my dearies:) 


Thursday, 20 June 2013



Saturday, 8 June 2013

Makeup and stuff:)

Grr.. My shift key has stopped working.

Haha anyway how are you! Im so glad i found time to blog Waho:) So lets talk about make-up

I woke up today and decided i wanted to try something new. So i did, i tried using liquid eyeliner, i used to just do flicks as im sure, if you have been a member of this blog for a while, you would have seen, oh they were terrible (Sorry mum and dad for making you go out with me during this stage..), but today i thought, yes im going to try, and i did and im not quite sure if i got the hang of them but they're much better than, oo when was it? Last year.

I have got very rusty with the photo's: i don't know what poses to do and stuff so yeah:)

Military Jacket: Primark
Top: Newlook
Leggings: International

Sunday, 2 June 2013

I hate Homework.

For a couple of posts I have been saying how i havent posted in so long blah blah blah


I am going to (well try.. ) and post everyday.. YES EVERYDAY! at this particular moment im not sure what im going to post about - fashion and makeup most probably but you know anyway!

Well today i made a moodboard.I also think im getting the hang of them.. this ones my favourite theme : VINTAGE!

and i have also added a new bits and bobs to my room;

Dunelm mill, the quilt was handmade by my gran.

Dunelm mill

Dunelm mill

Dunelm Mill
Dunelm mill

I also got some bits for school, sorry couldn't resist :)

W h smith!

From tiger 

 From PaperChase

Bye :)